Have you ever been so moved by a book that you felt compelled to share it with everyone you knew? That's the power of a truly inspiring piece of literature. "A Knock at Midnight" was one of those books for me. I purchased several copies to gift that year for Christmas. I also found myself giving all of my friends a summary of it so we could discuss it. That's when I knew I needed to start a book club.
"Less Doing, More Living" January 28
"How We Love" February 25
"Emotional Self Care for Black Women" March 24
"The 16 Undeniable Laws of Communication" April 28
"Peace is Every Step" May 26
"No Bad Parts" June 23
Whether you're looking to learn more about emotional self-care, communication, forgiveness, or simply want to find peace in your daily life, there's something for everyone in this year's lineup. For our out-of-town friends, we're open to a monthly virtual discussion.
"Thrive" July 21
"Fight Less, Love More" August 25
"Do Nothing" September 22
"From Here to Eternity" October 27
"Forgiving What You Can't Forget" November 24
"It's Ok That You're Not Ok" December 15
Remember, reading is not just a way to pass the time. It's an opportunity to learn, grow, and connect with others. So let's make this year's book club one to remember and inspire each other to live our best lives. Sign up for any of the book club discussions on the website.
If you want additional recommendations, here is my 2023 list from Good Reads. If you haven't signed up, it's a great site to follow friends and give and receive recommendations. You don't have to add or track your books to take advantage of the benefits of the site. Here is the link to follow me and my reading adventures throughout the year.