What are you doing for yourself, your career, your physical and mental health, your spiritual life, and your personal development? Do you have goals in these areas for 2022?
The beginning of the year is a great time to evaluate where and how you are spending your time. I like to begin with a “Year in Review” to assess where I was, where I am and ultimately, where I want to go. During that discernment, I explore the reasons for unmet goals. Was money, time, or knowledge a barrier? Did I have too many goals? Did I need assistance or accountability?
Whether or not you accomplished your goals, consider how you felt throughout the year.

Were you harried, relaxed, anxious, or frustrated? If you achieved everything you wanted to but lost sleep, friends, and peace of mind as a trade off, was it worth it? If you didn't accomplish any of your goals and can see the consequences in other areas of your life through late fees, overeating out of frustration, or self-loathing, was it worth it?
Creating a realistic plan that is not too rigid and allows for the flexibility needed is the best way to set yourself up for success. Knowing your capacity is also vital to your success. As women, it can be far too easy to overextend ourselves with good intentions yielding bad results. If we completed the project but literally lost our hair- was it worth it?

Women are made to feel like investing in ourselves is a luxury that comes after we have met the needs associated with the other roles we play: wife, mom, daughter, sister… Just in case there was any doubt, you are worth pouring into. Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup. You are worth saying no, getting enough rest, eating well, incorporating healthy movement, taking the course, and creating space for meaningful and fulfilling experiences.

Join me this month to explore ways you can invest in yourself spiritually, financially, emotionally, socially, personally, educationally, and/or professionally. Each week in January you’ll have an opportunity to read a blog post on investing in you. We’ll also share links, videos, and posts throughout the month on our social media channels. Here’s to a healthier, happier, more whole you.